Monday, December 15, 2008

Basic Quiche Recipe

1. Make a pie crust of some kind.

2. Put in cubed or grated cheese, about 250-300 grams worth

3. Put in your choice of filling
a) Spinach: 500g chopped steamed/sauteed spinach, with sauteed onions, dry mustard and nutmeg
b) Mushrooms: I won't go there for your sake, Hannah
c) Broccoli: 1 large stalk of broccoli, chopped and steamed with lemon juice and garlic
d) Fresh herbs (marjoram, thyme, basil, dill, chives, parsely) with sauteed onions and capsicums
e) whatever you want

4. Make a custard and pour over the top
Beat together 3 eggs and 1 cup milk (4 eggs and 1.5 cups of milk for a large pan) Can add sour cream or buttermilk for some or all of the milk

Top with a little extra grated cheese and/or dust top with paprika if you wish.

Bake 35-40 mins at 180 C

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