Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nutmeat Cheese Balls

A while back I bought a tin of nutmeat, on a whim. It was sitting in my cupboard for ages until I decided I should do soemthing with it, and realised I didn't even know what Nutmeat was for - beyond eating, of course. I stumbled across this recipe, which makes enough for about 3-4 people. I thought it was only ok, and wouldn't have posted it here, except that Matt really liked it - the only way I could convince him not to eat all the left-overs straight away was to tell him he could have them for lunch the next day.

Nutmeat Cheese Balls:

1 tin nutmeat (mashed)
1 grated or finely chopped onion
1 cup grated cheese
2 eggs
1 cup breadcrumbs
chopped mint (optional)
(Optional: Diamond Coat'n'Cook stuff)

Mix ingredients all together. Put in refrigerator to set (or not - either way works). Form into balls and roll in flour and gravy powder (or Diamond Coat'n'Cook stuff, which works goodlier, imo). Leaving them to soak up some of the coating and then re-coating them is also a good idea. Fry until golden brown.

Very easy! The hardest thing was mashing the nutmeat and trying to make them round...

Come on, post recipes!! I need more foods!

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