Monday, June 1, 2009

Moroccan Couscous

This couscous recipe was brought to you by the letter C and the number 1/2 (as made for one person):


1/2 cup of couscous
Feta cheese
1/2 carrot
1/2 courgette
1/2 onion
1 clove of garlic
olive oil
cumin seeds


Chop the onion into small pieces and place in a saucepan with some olive oil on a low heat. Chop the clove of garlic into even smaller pieces and add to the onion, along with small amounts of ginger, cinnamon, cumin seeds, and coriander.

Slice the carrot very thinly and add to the saucepan. Cut the courgette into little sticks (since they lose their stiffness more slowly than slices, so you minimise the overcooked-courgette-effect, which is the main thing that makes me dislike courgettes). Add the courgette to the pan and leave to cook for a minute or two, stirring regularly.

Now that you have a saucepan full of tasty vegetables covered in spices, we want to impart this flavour to the couscous. We do this by cooking it risotto style (see Mushroom Risotto below). First add the couscous to the saucepan and stir. Then add water little by little as the previous amounts of water are absorbed by the couscous. Couscous cooks much faster than rice, so you get the risotto effect of blended flavour in considerably less time.

Now cut the feta cheese into little squares. Put the couscous mixture in a bowl and add the feta cheese on top. Stir and enjoy.

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